Call on EBP Business Consulting to do an on-site training for your entire Executive Briefing Program staff and to provide courses that count toward your ABPM Core and Masters Level Competency Curriculum. EBP Business Consulting offers the following workshops on site:

  • Core Curriculum Offerings include "The Art of Negotiation" and "The Characteristics of World Class Briefing Programs"
  • Master Level Core Curriculum Courses are: "The Voice of the Customer" and "Management Practices"
  • Teambuilding for Executive Briefing program Staffs

Learn more about the ABPM's Core Curriculum.

The Art of Negotiation Workshop

The Harvard Business Journal recently wrote, "Whatever your job title, whatever your company, and whatever your industry, you can always further your career by improving your negotiation skills." In this workshop, you will learn and practice the "Art of negotiation". Improving your negotiation skills is a way of increasing your effectiveness, both professionally and personally. Contact EBP Business Consulting to hold the Art of Negotiation Workshop at your company location.

  • It is a teambuilding experience because the EBC team is trained together.
  • All EBC staff receives ABPM Core Competency Course credit.
  • The workshop is customized to meet your needs and increase the transition of the knowledge and skills in your EBC workgroup.
  • Learn together how to negotiate for increased budgets, headcount and capital resources.
  • You can improve the outcome of your negotiations with demanding Account managers, "Gatekeepers", and others.
  • Your suppliers, vendors, who you negotiate with daily, may be included.

Request more information about The Art of Negotiation Workshop training.

The New Characteristics of a World Class Briefing Program

Do you want your program to be recognized by the ABPM as world class? Looking for ways to reinvigorate your Briefing Program? Building a new program and you want to get the essentials right? Knowledge of the Characteristics of a World Class Briefing Program is essential for all Briefing rofessionals.

The focus of the workshop is on benchmarking your Executive Briefing Program against the world class standards.
Action plan worksheets and a highly interactive guided discussion are provided in this and personalized on-site session.
There will be an in-depth review of each of the characteristics, by category; through dialog and discussion, a self assessment of your program, and action planning to reach your goals.

Request more information about The New Characteristics of a World Class Briefing Program training.

Voice of the Customer (VOC)

EBP Business Consulting helps you develop the skills, strategies and processes to collect, organize and disseminate VOC information. When astutely implemented, the VOC approach can provide companies with a powerful and effective competitive edge that translates into bottom line results. 

VOC is a disciplined approach to collecting crucial customer information. It involves listening for, inderstanding, and prioritizing both stated and unstated customer requirements and outcomes.

Learn how to transform your Executive Briefing Center (EBC) into a "listening post" for gleaning current and timely VOC information - Listen for your customer's opinion of another company's brand, products, capapbilities and competencies. Note what your customer's perception is of your competition, of substitute technologies they are considering, and hear what value they and their industry place on solutions.

Request more information about Voice of the Customer training.

Management Practices

A high-performing Executive Briefing Program team can be an invaluable asset to your company and to the individuals on the Executive Briefing Program staff. This interactive workshop will:

  • Define the role of the team leader and the roles of all the team members.
  • Create an environment of shared values with minimal conflict.
  • Teach coaching, leadership, working with human resources, staffing, budgeting, employee development and career paths, holding effective meetings, and how to "evangelize" your Executive Briefing Program in your organization.

Teamwork and leadership are essential operational skills that are now more crucial to producing results than ever before. When taught on-site, this workshop is tailored to your needs, bringing to bear the ABPM's best practices of World Class Briefing Programs and over 100 years of experience from the "Deans" of Executive Briefing Programs. In addition to all the participants receiving ABPM Core Copetency Curriculum Credit, you will improve management skills, increase the staff's teamwork and enhance the effectiveness of your Executive Briefing Program.

Request more information about Management Practices training.


Briefing professionals have become more strategic in corporations because they must communicate daily with the whole spectrum of the corporation, executive level to entry level, to perform their job duties in a way that others types of professionals do not. The breifing professional job is demanding and there is a feeling of "betting your job every day" that can lead to staff burnout, frustration and turnover. EBP Business Consulting has the tools to address the everyday needs of your staff:

  • Career Development strategies and plans
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) and other Assessment Tools
  • Team goal-setting
  • Coaching for Results
  • Recognition and Celebrating Success

Request more information about Teambuilding training.

Negotiation Skills

It is still dark when you arrive the morning of a very busy day in your briefing center. You switch on the welcome screens and... nothing. What happens next depends on terms you have negotiated with internal and external vendors. Best in class briefing programs have negotiated “platinum” service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure that a call from the briefing center requires an immediate response and dispatch.  Equally as important is negotiating and communicating, internally, rules of center engagement, the briefing planning process with milestones, and discussion leader agreements. This workshop explores the negotiation strategies and tactics of the new World Class Planning Characteristics and is offered at ABPM Conferences, regionally and by webinar.

Request more information about Negotiation Skills training