Call on EBP Business Consulting for on-site training and webinars for your entire Executive Briefing Program staff. Course content is highly interactive and exercises are customized to meet your professional development needs. You will receive credit toward your ABPM Core and Masters Level Competency Curriculum. EBP Business Consulting offers the following workshops:


Core Curriculum Offerings


Characteristics of World Class

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

The ABPM’s “Characteristics of a World-Class Briefing Program” is the roadmap to achievement of World-Class for briefing programs worldwide. In this workshop, we’ll explore the four categories of Planning, Customer Experience, Measurement and Management. This workshop is for a wide audience: leadership that wants to execute best-in-class Briefing Centers, experienced managers who want to reinvigorate their Briefing Program, and new managers wanting to understand the basic building blocks for a Briefing Program. It is essential training for all briefing professionals.

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Discussion Leader Engagement Strategies

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

For more than two decades, the ABPM’s Multi-Client Study on“The Role of Executive Briefings” has shown that the right content communicated by knowledgeable and skilled discussion leaders is the most important element of any briefing. Yet, too often, briefing professionals are put in the position of “begging and borrowing” company experts to participate in briefings. This “cajoling” offers little assurance that the most appropriate resource is available and ready to present to customers. World-class briefing programs have a pool of discussion leaders that are willing and able to lead impactful customer discussions. These programs have deployed a broad discussion leader engagement strategy to ensure that discussion leaders feel valued and effective in their support of the briefing program. This workshop explores best practices, processes and tools for identifying and developing your presenters and giving them a reason to want to develop their skills as discussion leaders. We’ll discuss actionable ideas for presenter recruitment, retention, recognition, and reward.

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The Elements of Customization: Are You a Supplier or Trusted Partner?

Available as on-site workshop only.

In the World-Class Characteristics of Briefing Programs, the first characteristic in the category of Customer Experience is “a high level of customization is achieved for each briefing." Yet the most frequent and consistent suggestion for improvement from external customers in the ABPM Multi-Client Study on “The Role of Executive Briefings” has been for “more customization in the briefing.” This divergence of goal and reality points to the need for this highly focused workshop. Briefing professionals are finding that true customization starts with the center. A company’s brand informs the EBC design, event flow, and fit and finish. Customization starts with a familiarity with EBC guests and evolves to an engagement that is tailored to the customer's attendees, industry, company, and business needs. It results in rapport, trust, and business partnerships. There is simply no other element that is as important to the success of a briefing. This workshop is for all briefing professionals and key presenters and discussion leaders who manage centers, develop strategic agendas and deliver customized presentations and demonstrations.*

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Negotiation Skills and SLAs

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

Did you know that negotiation is a critical element of a briefing professional’s role? In a recent review of the ABPM curriculum, a skills gap was identified based on the finding that “every day briefing professionals are negotiating.” Your jobs require negotiation with services such as catering, transportation, and accommodations for briefing center guests. Keeping your center in a high state of readiness involves negotiating Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and coordinating with employees and vendors to provide system-readiness, maintenance, cleaning, AV updates, and to ensure all signage and demonstrations are ready for “show time." Most days you are also negotiating with discussion leaders about why they need to follow the planning process and submit their presentation materials before the briefing, and with account managers about why they need to book and confirm briefings in advance. Finally, business cases that are written to provide funding for resources to the briefing program require negotiations with executives and other stakeholders to get those business cases funded.

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Advanced Curriculum Offerings


Sales Engagement

Available as on-site workshop only.

Briefing programs have limited resources so it is essential that it be focused on supporting the most significant business opportunities. Alignment with internal user organizations ensures a focus on key account tiers, market segment,s or geography in concert with the corporate sales strategy. In addition, a well-defined sales engagement strategy ensures that customer executives of the right level are in attendance and peer-level executives from the host company participate in the briefing. It is a best in class practice to strategically engage account managers, but that is easier said than done! Where to begin? Let’s schedule a session to discuss Four Keys to Effectively Engage Sales.

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ROI: Measurements Executives Embrace

Available as on-site workshop only.

This advanced measurements course is a hands-on workshop for developing a measurements framework that demonstrates ROI success to your executives. Aligning your metrics with your managers’ and peers’ indices is critical to your audiences' understanding that your program is in alignment with their own success measures. With current pressures in the marketplace and increased competition for budgets, reporting that your program has a 4.6 out of 5 customer satisfaction rating and touched $X of revenue…. is only a good start! Your company’s leadership must understand your program’s contribution if you are to receive the financial and resource support you require to grow your program.

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The 3 Essentials of Successful Business Cases

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

It happens often: program management works hard to prepare a business case for EBC funding. They submit a document with detailed analysis. A few weeks later, they hear, “No funding!” A director of an award-winning briefing program recently said, “Knowing how to write a business case that gets approved and funded is one of the critical requirements of my job.” Our research shows that the approval of your business case is dependent on three essentials. Participate in this workshop to learn how to develop business cases that are complete, compelling, and carefully orchestrated... and more likely to be funded.

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Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

During WWI, a "listening post" was a position in advance of the front lines. As the name suggests, it was used to gather intelligence information and monitor enemy activity. In the B2B marketplace, the briefing center is uniquely positioned to be the company’s listening post. EBC guests share their opinions of your company’s brand, products, capabilities, and competencies. They talk about your competition and other technologies. Are you collecting and communicating the intelligence back to your organization to shape future solutions development, product maps, and business strategies? This workshop is for all briefing professionals who want to develop or strengthen the ways they capture and disseminate VOC information.

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Advisory Boards and Other Advocacy Strategies

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

Why do some briefing programs thrive while other struggle? We believe that executive support is key to the success of a briefing program. With executive support we can navigate across the organization to gather the information and resources needed. In this workshop we discuss how to implement an advisory board. If a formal board isn’t right for your program, we identify alternative advocacy strategies to foster the executive support the EBC needs.

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Developing Your World Class Briefing Team

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

This workshop is recommended to all Briefing Professionals and who are interested in improving their leadership and management skills. We discuss why good management practices are tantamount to a strong program, provide feedback on your personality style and how to work more effectively with the personalities on your team, identify strategies for developing high performance teams, review the ranking and compensation of briefing positions, and learn techniques for getting things done without relying on direct supervision.

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Developing Your Strategic Marketing Plan

Can be taught in on-site workshop or by webinar.

Briefing professionals who want to learn more about developing a strategic marketing plan that will help drive center utilization, secure funding, and reinforce advocacy in the organization should attend this workshop. A good briefing program marketing plan clearly states your value proposition to internal and external audiences. It explains why an internal customer should bring customers to a center. It also explains why other stakeholders should support or participate in the program. Learn how to communicate the value proposition to specific audiences for results.